Request A Tour

If you are interested in learning more about Carefree Christian Academy you are encouraged to request a tour or shadow day!

Please fill out the form below and our Admissions Office will contact you and provide the information you need.

Parent/Guardian Information

Student Information

Student Interests

Electives and Clubs
Are you interested in a Shadow Day?
Carefree Christian Academy offers an opportunity for prospective students to see what a typical day is like on campus by “shadowing” a current student.
Please meet our team in Building A for the start of your shadow day! We will introduce your student to their host student, and provide them a copy of their schedule for the day. Their assigned host student will guide them to and through each class during their visit.
No specific clothing is required. Our students wear polos plus uniform-style bottoms, so if your student chooses they may wear a polo shirt along with pants/shorts/skirt. We also recommend tennis shoes/close-toed shoes with a heel strap. Please ensure the outfit is modest - no midriffs/cleavage/undergarments showing please. Shorts/skirt must be longer than fingertips. If your student would like to participate in an active class such as PE, taekwondo, or dance, they are encouraged to bring a change of athletic clothing following the same guidelines as above.
School ends at 3 pm Mondays - Thursdays, and the student pick-up window is from 3 to 3:15 pm. The drop off/pick up location is the main parking lot plus sidewalk near Building A.
Shadowing students are not required to bring anything to their shadow day, but the following items may make them more comfortable and allow them to fully-participate in all activities: water bottle, pens/pencils, notepad/notebook, change of active clothing if participating in an active elective class. If you placed a lunch order for your student prior to their visit, their lunch will be delivered to campus. If you did not pre-order lunch, please pack a lunch to send with your student.
Money is not required for a student to shadow at CCA. We do have a Snack Shack that is open for 15 minutes during lunch most days. If you allow and your student chooses to do so, they may purchase a snack/drink from the Snack Shack. Items range in price and are typically $2 or less. If your student forgets their lunch and/or is still hungry or needs a snack, complimentary food items are always kept in the school office. Any teacher/team member can assist with this process.